#UK workforce

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5 months ago

UK risks being burnt-out nation' due to poor mental health, charity says

A survey revealed that 35% of UK adults experienced high or extreme levels of pressure at work, with 20% requiring time off due to poor mental health caused by stress in the past year.
Factors such as global challenges (climate change, artificial intelligence) and the cost of living crisis contribute to stress, anxiety, and feelings of hopelessness in the UK workforce. [ more ]
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
1 week ago

The postcode lottery of pay rises - London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com

Wage growth in the UK varies significantly by region, with a range from 16.2% to 24.7% over the past five years. [ more ]
5 months ago

UK risks being burnt-out nation' due to poor mental health, charity says

A survey revealed that 35% of UK adults experienced high or extreme levels of pressure at work, with 20% requiring time off due to poor mental health caused by stress in the past year.
Factors such as global challenges (climate change, artificial intelligence) and the cost of living crisis contribute to stress, anxiety, and feelings of hopelessness in the UK workforce. [ more ]
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
1 week ago

The postcode lottery of pay rises - London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com

Wage growth in the UK varies significantly by region, with a range from 16.2% to 24.7% over the past five years. [ more ]
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
7 months ago
Women in technology

Majority of UK job roles still pay men more than women

78% of full-time job roles in the UK have a gender pay gap in favor of men.
Over a quarter of occupations pay men at least 10% more per hour on average.
Years of efforts to reduce gender pay disparities have not resulted in significant change. [ more ]
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